
An Icehouse game for at least two players.



The play: there are two parts of the game, the “Tsheep”, and the “Nanuts Ish”



All players put a large onto a napkin* at once.  This will be a base.

Time a clock for ten seconds.

Start the clock.

All players start bringing pieces from their stashes on to touch their base.  The pieces should be placed standing up.

Stop when the clock stops.


Nanuts Ish


You, in real-time, can do the following:


-Move a medium sized piece (of your color) or a tower that has a medium in it (having its top piece be your color) to anywhere on the board.

-Put a small (of your color) on top of a tower or piece that tis touching.

-If two or more pieces are touching a small (or your color), place one of those pieces on top of another.

-If a tower has a small of yours, then you can either move it off of that tower and have it still touch the tower or move it onto the top of a touching tower.

-Take a piece or tower touching a large (of your color) or a tower that has a large in it (having its top piece be your color) off the board.  Also remove the tower (or large) and another piece (of your color).


The game ends when all towers have their top piece be exactly of one player’s.  That player wins.


The game ends in a draw if no player can do anything.



If a crash or an illegal move is caused, then the player who caused it must remove a piece of theirs that can be removed, i.e., one that is the top piece of a tower.

The game should be paused until the play area should be fixed.


*yes, napkin, one of those things that you wipe your face and hands with.  A major part of the game is the fact is that it is played on such a small area.